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Virtual Assistant Services
When it comes to the delivery top virtual assistant services to our valuable customers, our focus always remains global & our standards remain top-quality. Along with being client-focused, our very first goal is to offer the finest services in a consistent manner. We are equipped with first-rate virtual assistants who assist our clients at cost-effective prices starting from $6/hour. Extremely proficient in their work, the virtual assistants can accomplish every task with precision.Learn More
Data Entry Services
Data entry outsourcing is becoming highly sought-after service and comprises both online and offline data entry. These services are much needed when it comes to attaining a good business position. So, if you are looking for an offshore data entry company that you can bank upon with the success of your business, then get in touch with us. We are E Virtual Services, and we offer a wide array of Information Technology enabled services.Learn More

Website Design & Development
By opting to have website designing services from us, you can hope to establish a formidable online presence that will take your business to the next level at an affordable price. With our stamp of professional excellence etched into your product you can take pride in its eye-catching looks and dynamic features.Learn More
Internet Marketing Services
For any online business to perform well, a great website is a must, however, many companies still do not generate the expected amount of business because of a poor online presence and unless your website is widely visible & easily accessible on the internet, expecting great results would be just an exaggeration of blind hope.Learn More

Accounting Services
Accounting is a critical business function for every organization, whether small or big to efficiently run, grow and do well economically. E Virtual Accounting Services are managed by professed accounting professionals who have years of experience managing national & international company accounts. Whether you run a telecom business or a brokerage firm.Learn More
Mobile Technology
Remote Places like hotel rooms, coffee shops, and planes become small business owner’s offices when they are traveling. But if you’re on the go doesn’t mean you can’t stay connected to your business. Today a number of mobile applications and high-tech app development services are designed to help business owners boost their productivity on their move.Learn More

E-Commerce Solution
E-Commerce web solutions, as a new trend in marketing, has given access to the plethora of novel options available to earn money. It comprises an impressive shopping cart, payment gateway integration, web design and architect. E Virtual services welcomed the emerging trend as a prospect to grow business. To contribute to the success of your business, we have, gained a substantial amount of experience in every aspect of ecommerce.Learn More
Call Center Services
E Virtual Services is a leading service provider of international call center services & outsourcing solutions. With an aim to increase customer satisfaction, retentions and sales for your company, E Virtual Services has designed all of its inbound, outbound and web based solutions quality centric and performance driven.Learn More

Financial Services
In todays challenging business environment, an increasing number of companies are outsourcing their requirements for Accounting & Finance Services to expert vendors. An outsourcing partner like E Virtual Services can deliver superior results while minimizing costs at the same time. Adopting this strategy can also help you focus on strengthening strategic areas.Learn More
HR Services
Human Resource (HR) is the term used to describe people engaged in the workforce of an organization. It is an important factor in any organization as the smooth running of an organization depends on the individuals associated with it. The HR management strategy should be planned in an order to maximize profit and minimize risks. Human Resource development allows individuals to develop their potentially thereby helping the organization to accomplish goals.Learn More

Translation Services
E Virtual Services offers a range of translation services, whether it is your marketing campaign going international or developing a new engineering unit at a different location, translation professionals at E Virtual Services can help you go international or boost your business that already has international presence.Learn More
Revenue Cycle Management
At E Virtual Services, we team up with healthcare groups to ensure they get paid faster, avoid payments rejection, stop money from slipping away, and enhance how patients are cared for. Also, we are committed to ensuring seamless financial operations and sustained growth for our clients.Learn More